Wrap-Up Letter

The 2024 NFMC Conference was the greatest thing since sliced bread (and we now know that machine was invented in Iowa).  The theme for the 2024 NFMC Conference was Music on the Mighty Mississippi and boy did we have it in excess!  We could almost put the adjective “Magical” in front of that theme because that sums up the entire week of music, meetings and meet-ups!

 The week began with a day set aside for state presidents to connect, converse, to learn the value they hold in NFMC and to meet the NFMC Division chairs and officers.   The weather could not have been more glorious as we enjoyed ‘ol Man River to its fullest and a scrumptious buffet dinner aboard the Celebration Belle Paddlewheel dinner cruise.

 The performance by our four NFMC Young Artists on Wednesday night was one-of-a-kind as they collaborated together to present a phenomenal performance. Faithful Federation members have commented that we have never experienced this kind of Young Artist collaborative performance in the history of NFMC. 

 The Iowa Federation clubs came together to provide a great taste of Iowa with local items to every registered attendee.  In the SWAG bags were lavender sachets from a Des Moines lavender field, popcorn and BING chocolate candy from ‘the other side’ of the state, instant oatmeal packets from the Cedar Rapids Quaker Oat factory, potato chips from Davenport, notepads from the University of Northern Iowa and coasters from Waterloo John Deere Tractor Works.  The Iowa City group not only gave us fun black and gold pom-poms with which to cheer our own Caitlin Clarke, who showed up at the Regional luncheons, but one of their own distinguished members made a special guest appears as W.A. Mozart at Melody Bober’s presentation—thank you, Dr. Jason Sifford!

 Thursday’s focus was on pedagogy with sessions by Melody Bober, Dr. Helen Marlais, and Dr. Jason Sifford.  We literally enjoyed fun and games with Melody and learned more about piano pieces in the new 2024-2028 Festival Bulletin.  The electrifying performance of the Happy Dog Duo on the historic Pleyel Double Grand Piano was a highlight of the week and once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Special thanks to our Quad-Cities Federated Music Teachers group who helped in hosting and serving an Iowa picnic BBQ supper prior to the concert. 

 It was gratifying to hear the fruit of our labor in the performances of Wendell Irish Viola, Marilyn Caldwell Piano and Beyer Composition award winners.  This is tangible evidence of the work we all do to promote and sustain music throughout our Federation.  The week wrapped up with an enlightening session by Sam Ecoff on how to engage membership through social media and a moving performance by guest artist, Audrey Johnson on the influence and important role that music played in the Women’s Suffrage movement in America.

 This truly was a history making conference and there are not enough words to express my deep thanks and appreciation to all who made this a conference to remember.  Our NFMC National Meeting Committee joined together with the Iowa Federation of Music Clubs to present outstanding workshops and phenomenal performances.  Thanks for coming and it is our sincere hope that your time here was filled with unforgettable experiences, cherished memories, and the warm hospitality that defines our great organization.  Together, we can overcome any challenge and achieve remarkable things.

 Lucinda M. Lear, NCTM

2024 NFMC Conference Chair

Chair Reports

Attendee List