Composition Junior Division

The NFMC Lynn Freeman Olson Composition Awards

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Intermediate: Grades 7-8-9 High School: Grades 10-11-12 Paid by private donor $750- Intermediate $1,500 - High School March 1, odd-numbered years

NFMC Chairman: Lisa Smith

File(s): Requirements Form Application Form


The NFMC Dance Award (Jazz, Lyrical or Tap)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 11th, but not the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 per category Age 11-14: Ballet and/or Theatre Dance (Jazz, Lyrical or Tap): $200 - 1st Place , $100 - 2nd Place; Age 15-18: Ballet and/or Theatre Dance (Jazz, Lyrical or Tap): $400- 1st Place, $200 - 2nd Place May 1

NFMC Chair: Lisa Moore

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Thelma A. Robinson Award in Ballet

(honoring a Past National President)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must be 12 - 14 years of age by application deadline $20 $2,500 February 1 in odd numbered year

NFMC Chairman: Beth Lee

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Joyce Walsh Junior Awards for Individuals with Special Needs

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 12th but not the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 $2,500 - 1st place $2,000 - 2nd place One award of $1,000 in each of the five regions. March 1

NFMC Chair: Debbie Wiser

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Music for the Blind Composition Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 10th, but not the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 per manuscript $1,000 March 1

NFMC Chair: Dianne Williamson

File(s): Requirements Form

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The W. Paul Benzinger/Valentin Music for the Blind Performance Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must not have reached the 10th birthday but not the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 $1,000 1st Place, $500 2nd Place; One $250 award in each of the five NFMC Regions March 1 to Regional Chairman

NFMC Chair: Dianne Williamson

File(s): Requirements Form

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Stillman Kelley/Thelma Byrum Awards

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must not have reached the 19th birthday by March 1 $10 $2,000 - 1st place, $1,000 - 2nd place, $750 - 3rd place, $750 - Byrum Award for further study, 5 regional awards @ $500 each March 1

NFMC Chair: Jason Sifford

File(s): Requirements Form

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Michael R Edwards Graduating Senior Performance Award

Scholarship for Music Major

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Graduating High School Senior $20 $5,000 May 1

NFMC Chair: Michael Edwards

File(s): Rules & Requirements

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Lana M. Bailey Piano Concerto Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
High School Senior who has not reached the 19th birthday by May 1 $10 $1,500 - 1st Place, $500 - 2nd Place May 1

NFMC Chair: Lana Bailey

File(s): Requirements Form

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The Marilyn Caldwell Piano Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
High School: Grades 10-11-12 $10 $1,250 - 1st place, $750 - 2nd place March 1

NFMC Chair: Christine Vitt

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Claire Ulrich Whitehurst Piano Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
High School: Grades 10-11-12; Must not have reached 19th birthday by application deadline $10 $500 - 1st Place (for further study), $250 - 2nd Place March 1, even-numbered year

NFMC Chair: Marcia Chaplin

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Herman and Mary Neumann Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must be in High School None $1,000 February 1

NFMC Chairman: Interlochen Arts Academy


The NFMC Mary Alice Cox Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must not have reached the 19th birthday as of application deadline $20 $2,500 - 1st Place, $1,500 - 2nd Place, $1,000 - 3rd Place March 1

NFMC Chairman: Anna Cosma

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Wendell Irish Viola Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 12th, but not the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 $2,000 - 1st Place, $1,000 - 2nd Place; One $500 award in each of the five NFMC Regions March 1

NFMC Chair: Dr. George Keck

File(s): Requirements Form

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Martha Marcks Mack Junior Vocal Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
High School Grades: 10 - 11 - 12. Must not have reached the 19th birthday by application deadline $10 1st Place - $1,500, 2nd Place - $1,000. 3rd Place - $500 March 1

NFMC Chair: Kristin Ivers

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC National Music Week Essay Contest

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must be in grades 7 - 12 None $75 in each of the 50 states January 10th (to regional chairmen)

NFMC Chair: Gloria Lien

File(s): Rules

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The NFMC Angie Greer Music in Poetry Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must not have reached the 19th birthday by application deadline $5 5 - $100 Awards February 1

NFMC Chair: Debra Hughes

File(s): Requirements Forms

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