Choral Conducting, Piano, Organ or Voice for students majoring in Church Music

The NFMC Elizabeth Grieger Wiegand Sacred Music of the Faiths Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
19 through 25 (Applicants must have reached 19th but not the 26th birthday by the application deadline) $10 $600 March 1, odd-numberedyears

NFMC Chair: Dr. Paula Savaglio

File(s): Requirements

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Composition Student Collegiate Division

The NFMC Student/Collegiate Composition Awards

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th, but not the 26th birthday by the application deadline. Must be a junior, senior, or graduate student in college, majoring in music $10 Marion Richter Composition Award $1,250; Beyer Young Composers Award $1,500 & $1,000; Nadworney/Valentin Award for Vocal Solo $1,000; Hatz Special Recognition Award $275 March 1

NFMC Chair: Jim McCutcheon

File(s): Requirements Form

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Double Reed

The NFMC Carolyn Nelson Double Reed Award

(honoring a past national president)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
19 - 25 $10 $1,500 - 1st Place, $750 - 2nd Place March 1

NFMC Chair: Tim Baumann

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Ernest A Bluhm Flute Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th birthday but not the 26th birthday by application deadline $10 $800 March 1

NFMC Chair: Dana Boney

File(s): Requirements Form

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French Horn

The NFMC Elizabeth Paris French Horn Award

(honoring a past national president)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th birthday but not the 26th birthday by application deadline $10 $2,000 March 1

NFMC Chair: Roger Lear

File(s): Requirements Form

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NFMC Classical Guitar Award


Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
19 - 25 $10 $2,000 March 1

NFMC Chair: Connor Barney

File(s): Requirements

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Barbara M. Irish Harp Award

(honoring a past national president)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must be an undergraduate, preferably junior, at Curtis Institute of Music None $5,500 Chosen by Institution

: Dr. Carleton S. Gohlz

Keyboard Composition

The NFMC Lynn Freeman Olson Composition Awards

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Advanced: High School Graduate through age 25.High School: Grades 10-11-12 Paid by private donor $1,500 March 1, odd-numberedyears

NFMC Chairman: Lisa Smith

File(s): Requirements Form Application Form

Music Education

The NFMC Gretchen E. Van Roy Music Education Scholarship

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
A college junior majoring in Music Education at a college or university which has a Music Education Department offering a degree in same. $10 $1,500 - 1st Place, $500 - 2nd Place March 1

NFMC Chair: Sally Palmer

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Myrtle Mehan/Hazel Morgan Music Education Scholarship

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
A college Sophomore majoring in Music Education at a college or university which has a Music Education Department offering a degree in same. $10 $800 March 1

NFMC Chair: Linda Donley

File(s): Requirements Form

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Music Therapy

The NFMC Irma Carey-Wilson Music Therapy Scholarship

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
College juniors, seniors, graduate students or graduates in internship in music therapy at schools offering degrees approved by the American Music Therapy Association $10 $1,000 for further study (paid to approved school of recipientメs choice) March 1

NFMC Chairman: Susan Von Nessen

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Dorothy Dann Bullock Music Therapy Scholarship

(honoring a Past National President)

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Offered to Music Therapy majors (college sophomores, juniors, seniors) in accredited schools offering Music Therapy degrees approved by the American Music Therapy Association $10 $1,500 for further study (paid to approved school of recipientメs choice) March 1

NFMC Chairman: Susan Von Nessen

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Ruth B. Robertson Music Therapy Scholarship

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
College juniors or seniors majoring in Music Therapy at schools offering degrees approved by the American Music Therapy Association $10 $650 for further study (paid to approved school of recipientメs choice) March 1

NFMC Chairman: Susan Von Nessen

File(s): Requirements Form

Apply Now!


The NFMC Lynn Freeman Olson Pedagogy Awards

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
All ages who have undergraduate degree in piano $20 $6,000 March 1, odd-numbered years

NFMC Chairman: Naomi Sanchez

File(s): Requirements Form Application Form

Piano, Organ, Man's voice, Woman's voice, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion

The NFMC Student/Collegiate Auditions Award

The NFMC Student/Collegiate Awards honoring Agnes Fowler and Mary V. Thiesen

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th but not the 26th birthday by the application deadline $30 for each category $3,000 for the winner in each category (Performance at Biennial Convention when feasible), $500 2nd place award in each category March 1, the year of auditions

NFMC Chair: Dr. Liana Valente

File(s): Repertoire & Requirements Form Poster

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The Frances J. Nelson Tuba Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th but not the 26th birthday by the application deadline $10 $800 March 1

NFMC Chair: Dr. Derek Bromme

File(s): Requirements Form

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The NFMC Oscar Valentin Award

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must have reached the 19th birthday but not the 26th birthday by application deadline $10 $1,500 March 1

NFMC Chair: Susan Dunn

File(s): Requirements

Apply Now!

Voice or Strings

The NFMC Herman and Mary Neumann Scholarship

Age Limit Entry Fee Award Amount Deadline for Application
Must be a Sophomore attending Miami University None $1,000 for further study at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio March 1

NFMC Chairman: Chosen by the school