NFMC Bulletin Chair Letter

Dear Federation Friends,

I am writing you today concerning the current Bulletin situation upon us. As the Bulletin editor and on behalf of NFMC, we deeply apologize and want you to know that we ARE listening.

For those of you who are new and do not know where to find the Bulletin Updates PDF, the most current version may be found at, Festivals tab, Bulletin Updates (no password required). In the meantime, are working to provide a live, online version
and will announce when that site is functional.

Do keep these things in mind:

1. The updates are arranged in Bulletin Section Order by page. For instance, if you are checking for an update in Piano Solo, E3, scroll down to pages 9-10 in the PDF and look for any updates.

2. It is not necessary to print the entire document! Copy only the information you need, then paste into a Word document for reference.

3. Looking for a specific composer? Press Ctrl-F (PC) or Command-F (Mac), type in the last name of the composer and press Enter.

4. Do you need to report a Bulletin issue? You may write Lori Jessen: “The National Festivals Chair will be the final authority on all changes, corrections, or adjustments concerning the Festivals Bulletin once it has been published and distributed.” (Federation Festivals Procedures Manual, p. 16)

We are here to help you in any way we can. Teachers, students, composers, publishers, distributors, and music stores have all been profoundly affected by the volume of the updates. Know that safeguards are in place to prevent a recurrence of this situation in any future Bulletin.

Select repertoire listed in the Bulletin Updates brought from the previous Bulletin to this Bulletin is now online in Vivace, meaning that you may register students for Festivals with those pieces.

And speaking of online, many have been asking about the online Bulletin so they may view repertoire PRE-registration. Vivace has been a giant, successful leap forward in the Festivals registration process. Now, NFMC is poised to be of even greater assistance to teachers by allowing them to have access to Vivace/Bulletin repertoire online—PREregistration.

Because the online Bulletin is intricately programed into the recently updated system at National, National will announce to the membership when the work is complete.

That will be a happy day for all of us!

Wishing you a successful Festival year,

Janice M. Flinte, NFMC Festivals Bulletin Editor